Town Meeting to be Held on September 28, 2022 at 7 PM at
Falls Village Volunteer Fire Department, 188 Route 7S, Falls Village, CT 06031
Electors and others qualified to vote at town meeting are hereby warned of an Annual town meeting to be held at the FVVFD, Falls Village, Connecticut at 7 PM to act on the following:
1. To ratify an expenditure previously made by The Canaan BOE by appropriating $20,700.52 from the Lee H. Kellogg Capital Improvement Fund #1022305 for new heating for a portion of Kellogg School.
2. To approve taking a total of $32,000 to pay Planimetrics for assistance in the Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD) as well as an additional $5,000 for additional expenses such as mailing, publications, etc., totaling $37,000. This amount shall be funded by appropriations from the Planning and Zoning Reserve account #51001431 of $20,000 and $17,000 from the General Fund of the Town of Canaan, totaling $37,000.
3. To approve paying up to $9,000 from the Environmental Cleanup Reserve account #51001426 for purposes of evaluating the adequacy of the current septic system at 35 Railroad Street and evaluating options for a new system should the old system be inadequate.
Procedure for the proceedings: Robert’s Rules of Order will prevail, where not in conflict with Parliamentary Law. In accordance with the principles of a deliberative meeting under both Robert’s Rules of Order and Parliamentary Law, participation will be reserved to those present.
Dated at Canaan, Connecticut this 20th day of September, 2022.
Canaan Board of Selectmen
Henry W. Todd, First Selectman