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Town Meeting

Event posted by
Board of Selectmen
        Town Meeting to be Held on January 26, 2022 at 7 PM at
Senior Center, 107 Main Street, Falls Village, CT 06031
Electors and others qualified to vote at town meeting are hereby warned of an Annual town meeting to be held at the Senior Center for the Town of Canaan, Falls Village, Connecticut at 7 Pm to act on the following:
1. To Receive, review and act upon the Annual Auditors Report for fiscal year 2020-2021.
2. To receive, review and act upon the report of the offices of the Town of Canaan.
3. Shall the Town of Canaan approve an appropriation of $27,000 from Reserve account #51001380 for the 5-year Revaluation required by state law.
4. Shall the Canaan approve increasing budget line 1016.160 Health benefits by $6,000 to enable paying the health benefits of the Town Clerk.
5. Shall the Town of Canaan approve increasing budget line Website Maintenance 1002.WS.301 by $2,000 to allow for additional expense in upgrading our security systems.
Procedure for the proceedings: Robert’s Rules of Order will prevail, where not in conflict with Parliamentary Law.  In accordance with the principles of a deliberative meeting under both Robert’s Rules of Order and Parliamentary Law, participation will be reserved to those present.
Dated at Canaan, Connecticut this 11th day of January, 2022.
Masks are required and social distancing is recommended.
Canaan Board of Selectmen

Henry W. Todd, First Selectman