Canaan Board of Education
Lee H. Kellogg School
Falls Village, Connecticut
Tuesday, August 31, 2021 6:00 PM
Special Meeting via Zoom
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Meeting ID: 836 6640 5176
Passcode: mPP6qu
I. Call to order
II. Resignation of B. Franklin – Music Position/K. Panzer - Secretarial Position
III. Action on the Appointment of Robin W. Faust as Interim Principal of Lee H. Kellogg School
IV. Action on the Appointment of Michael Hritz as Music Teacher (.4) at Lee H. Kellogg School
V. Action on the Approval of the Job Description of Executive Secretary/Secretary to the Board of Education
VI. Action on the Appointment of Laurie Wadsworth as Executive Secretary and Secretary to the Canaan Board of Education at Lee H. Kellogg School
VII. Report From Interim Principal Faust Regarding the Opening Day of School on August 30, 2021
VIII. Report From Interim Principal Faust Regarding the Progress of Completion of the Summer Project of Replacing the East Wing Door
IX. Approval of Tuition Students
1. Wagner
2. Blu
3. Hertel
X. Discussion:
1. Concerning a Confidential Attorney-Client Communication Regarding a Retirement
2. Regarding an Agreement with the Interim Principal of Lee H. Kellogg School and
3. Regarding an Agreement with the Executive Secretary/ Secretary to the Canaan Board of Education (Executive Session Anticipated)
XI. Adjournment