Town of Canaan
Board of Selectmen Meeting
Monday, May 10,2021@ 7:00 PM or at the
Conclusion of the Board of Finance Meeting if the time is after 7:00 PM
108 Main Street, Falls Village, Connecticut 06031
I. Call to Order
II. Public Comment (limit two minutes)
III. Approval of Pending Minutes
IV. Treasurer and Tax Collector Reports
V. Communications
a. Written
b. Oral
a. Discussion of Community Economic Director
b. Discussion of Values statement.
c. Aquarion sale finalized and expected financial gain
d. Change in COG leadership
e. Discussion of Potential plan for old firehouse.
f. Changeover to Yucatech complete
g. Septic system at 107 Main Street
h. Town meeting addition of rate changes for P+Z-must be done this way because of town ordinance
i. Sexton change
j. Memorial Day Ceremonies
k. Setting dates for town hearing and town meeting-BOF sets these
VI. Old Business
VII. New Business
a. Appointment of new sexton for town cemeteries- Kent Allyn wishing to retire,
Tracey Wilson willing to serve
b. Discussion of Value statement to be placed on website
c. Discussion of Community Economic Director
d. Approval of transfer fees for 2021-22 fiscal year
e. Discussion of ideas for old Firehouse
f. Memorial day ceremonies-discussion and vote on holding same
g. Bill approval for River Road project
VIII. Any Other Business to Properly Come Before the Board
h. New collection agency agreement approval
IX. Adjournment
Submitted on Behalf of the Board of Selectmen
Henry W. Todd, First Selectman
Henry Todd is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Regular Board of Finance and Board of Selectmen Meeting
Time: May 10, 2021 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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