Town of Canaan (Falls Village) Planning and Zoning 108 Main Street, Falls Village CT 06031 860-824-0707 ZEO cell number 860-248-0802
Public Hearing Wednesday, September 23, 2020 6:30 PM Public Hearing by Zoon Meeting;
1. Consideration of a Site Plan Application for a Housing Development on River Road, Canaan/Falls Village, CT Map #1 lot 3-6 by applicant Falls Village Housing Trust.
At this hearing interested persons may be heard and written communication received. Only items pursuant to this Zoning Application will be discussed.
Given the spread of COVID-19, Governor Lamont Issued Executive Order (EO) which calls for the suspension of in-person meetings. This EO remains in effect for the duration of the State of Public Health Emergency, unless extended, which is set to expire on September 9, 2020. Therefore, public meetings are being held remotely in order to continue town business during this time.
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting ID: 863 4160 1829 Passcode: 766471
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