+ Town of Canaan
Board of Selectmen Meeting in Person
Monday, March 14, 2022@ 7:00 PM or at the
Conclusion of the Board of Finance Meeting if the time is after 7:00 PM
108 Main Street, Falls Village, Connecticut 06031
I. Call to Order
II. Public Comment (limit two minutes)
III. Approval of Minutes for 2/14/2022 and Special Meeting For budget
IV. Treasurer and Tax Collector Reports
V. Communications
a. Written-
b. Oral-
a. No response from Eversource on solar
b. Recommendation to BOF to utilize ARPA funding for town garage heater in the amount of $12,000 and bridge/culverts for $45,000
c. Town discussion of potential uses for ARPA funding went well.
d. Signed MIRA agreement for 5 years. Reduced fees for next year from $116 per ton to $111 per ton
e. Budget done and ready to present. Only outstanding issue is fuel costs. Consortium has not made a commitment to date and we may not know the true cost of fuel until September, 2922. Have put in $3/gallon, each one dollar increase adds $7300 to budget.
VI . Old Business
a. Realtor discussion and interest in 35 RR street
VII New Business
a. Tax rebates
VIII. Any Other Business to Properly Come Before the Board
IX. Adjournment
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