Town of Canaan
Board of Selectman Meeting (IN PERSON) Monday, October 17,2022 @7 PM or at the conclusion of the Board of Finance Meeting at 108 Main Street, Falls Village, Connecticut, 06031
I. Call to Order
II. Public Comment (limit two minutes)
III. Approval of Minutes
IV. Treasurer and Tax Collector Reports-Acceptance
V. Communications
a. Written- FVHT, TAHD, Region One
b. Oral-
VI. Selectman’s report
a. COG coalition to support a regional fiber optic network to enable state funding of same
b. Cardinal Funding for $46,500 for culver final design and permitting. Will need additional funding for this of $10,000 from ARPA
c. Approval of Tax incentives for John Robshaw and Gas Station. Evidence of spending more than $100,000 is verified.
d. BOF budget amendment for the $5,500 from the State Librarian to Town Clerk
e. Allied Engineering Agreement for $9,000 signed.
f. Region One Notice to Town for funding for next fiscal year if budget is same is down $125,000. Each one percent increase in overall budget costs town $13,718
g. All ARPA money received.
h. Consideration of changing the handling of reserve accounts.
i. Re-appointment of Lou Timolat as our Representative to TAHD
j. Recommendation of ARPA Grant to FVVFD for $13,700 for OSHA and communication equipment.
VII. Old Business
VIII. New Business
a. Tax Rebates
b. Appointment of Lou Timolat to TAHD Board
c. Approval of Tax Incentives for gas station and John Robshaw
d. Approval of joining Fiber Coalition
e. Consideration of changing our reserve accounts as well as co-ordinating same with FVVFD
f. Proposal for a Special Meeting of the Board of Selectmen to consider additional funding from the ARPA fund
g. Letters of Appreciation to Dick Heinz and John Morrisey
IX. Any Other Business to Properly Come Before the Board
X. Public Comment
XI. Adjournment
Topic: Regular Board of Selectmen Meeting
Time: Oct 17, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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