Town of Canaan
Board of Selectmen Meeting
Monday, November 8,2021@ 7:00 PM or at the
Conclusion of the Board of Finance Meeting if the time is after 7:00 PM
108 Main Street, Falls Village, Connecticut 06031
I. Call to Order
II. Public Comment (limit two minutes)
III. Approval of Pending Minutes-10/18/21
IV. Treasurer and Tax Collector Reports
V. Communications
a. Written-Thank you from SVNA
b. Oral
a. Appointment of Melissa Dean as Sexton, Johanna Mann as new BOF/BOS secretary
b. Need a sexton for town cemeteries. Looking for volunteers.
c. Posting of jobs for Town Clerk and ZEO
d. Conversation with Miguel Rivera
e. Acceptance of Tom Scott resignation as ZEO, Janell Mullen appointment as interim
f. Salt shed request for ARPA funds, Kellogg request for ARPA funds
g. Tracey Wilson report for first qtr. and discussion with Curtis Rand re composting
h. NCPN letter for the record
i. Disbanding of AHP Task Team
j. Purchase of OWL PRO-about $1000
VI . Old Business
a. Proposed ARPA survey
VII New Business
a. Tax rebates
b. Appointment of Melissa Dean as Sexton
c. Discussion of cost recovery for FOIA legal costs
d. Acceptance of Tom Scott resignation as ZEO and appointment of Janell Mullen as interim ZEO
e. Annual Homeland Security resolution
f. MIRA decision on opting out of annual ‘out’ clause for next 5 years
g. Disbanding of AHP Task Team with our appreciation
h. Recommendation to BOF to buy OWL PRO which connects to Zoom for about $1000 from ARPA funds
i. Appointment of Johanna Mann as new secretary for BOF/BOS
VIII. Any Other Business to Properly Come Before the Board
IX. Adjournment
Submitted on Behalf of the Board of Selectmen
Henry W. Todd, First Selectman