Town of Canaan
Board of Selectmen Meeting
Monday, September 13,2021@ 7:00 PM or at the
Conclusion of the Board of Finance Meeting if the time is after 7:00 PM
108 Main Street, Falls Village, Connecticut 06031
I. Call to Order
II. Public Comment (limit two minutes)
III. Approval of Pending Minutes
IV. Treasurer and Tax Collector Reports
V. Communications
a. Written
b. Oral
a. Use of ARPA funds plan, survey of town residents for ideas, distillation of same, creating a plan, discussion within the town, but recognizing that any ideas are advisory and that the final decision rests with the BOS with consultation with the BOF. Survey itself is an expense of the special govt. fund set-aside. All funds are held in a separate account by Federal mandate.
b. Resignation of Tracey Wilson. Position will be advertised with a listing of duties.
c. Start looking for candidates for Mary’s position, again advertised with a listing of duties, recognizing that this may take a long time to fill the position.
d. Fixing our IT.
e. Request for a rental agreement renegotiation for the 107 restaurant lease from Szabina and Adam.
f. Consideration of Lou Timolat’s request to be given at BOF Meeting
g. School project request by Robin Faust in consideration of the 20th anniversary of 9/11
h. Posted Tufts study of aging on town website
i. Resident request to extend ventilation on 107 Main
VI Old Business-None
VII New Business
a. Tax rebates
b. Survey about ARPA funds
VIII. Any Other Business to Properly Come Before the Board
IX. Adjournment
Submitted on Behalf of the Board of Selectmen
Henry W. Todd, First Selectman