Town of Canaan
Board of Selectmen Meeting
Monday, November 14,2022@ 7:00 PM or at the
Conclusion of the Board of Finance Meeting if the time is after 7:00 PM
108 Main Street, Falls Village, Connecticut 06031
I. Call to Order
II. Public Comment (limit two minutes)
III. Approval of Pending Minutes
IV. Treasurer and Tax Collector Reports
V. Communications
a. Written
b. Oral
VI. Selectman Report
1. Traffic Report 126 and 7
2. Tentative news from Frontier on Broadband
3. General Fund increase due to Aquarion grant and BOF required action
4. Set meeting dates for 2023 per list supplied
5. Solar Farm update
6. BOF to approve John Robshaw and Rte 7 Deli tax incentives
7. Reassessment complete and cards sent out to residents with new values
8. Painting of Town Hall-Have 2 estimates, awaiting third
9. List of use of ARPA funds. Amounts may change slightly but this is our basic plan
VI. Old Business
1. Recommendation to Town Meeting for a new ordinance re Treasurer
VII. New Business
1. Tax rebates
2. Appointment of Ruth Skovron to P and Z board for a three year term beginning 12/1/2022 and ending 11/30/2025
3. Appointment of Daipai Horace to rec com for 2 year term beginning 12/1/22 and Emily Peterson for a one year term beginning 12/1/22 as rec director
4. Approval of ZEO as enforcement officer for trailer ordinance
5. Change of business hours for Transfer station on 12/24/22 to close at 12 noon
6. Approval of BOS Annual Report
VIII. Any Other Business to Properly Come Before the Board
IX. Adjournment
Submitted on Behalf of the Board of Selectmen
Henry W. Todd, First Selectman
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