Special Board of Selectmen Meeting
Thursday, September 28, 2023@ 10 AM in Person and Zoom
108 Main Street, Falls Village, Connecticut 06031
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Meeting ID: 926 6223 6917
Passcode: 994502
I. Call to Order
II. Solar project discussion and recommendation to BOF
III. Replacement of failed air conditioner/Heater at Town Hall recommendation to BOF to recommend to Town Meeting that we approve the expenditure of up to $10,000 from reserve account 1702630541 107/108 Main Street Property reserve.
IV. Tax Refunds to JP Morgan and Toyota Lease Trust for approval. Total of both is $1,016.78
V. Final payment for Cobble Road to be recommended to take from the bridge reserve account 1702646689 for the final payment on the Cobble Road Culvert design and approval.
VI. Adjournment